
Del Campo, S. (2020): "Distributional considerations during growth toward the golden rule", presented at the 25th EAERE annual conference.

Del Campo, S. (2021). Inequality aversion for climate policy. presented at the 26th EAERE annual conference

Del Campo, S. (2021). Inequality aversion for climate policy. Seminar at the University of Copenhagen.

Del Campo, S., together with Martinet, V., R. Cairns (2020): "Intragenerational inequality aversion and intergenerational equity", presented at the 25th EAERE annual conference.

Del Campo. S. (2021) Inequality aversion for climate policy. 8th FAERE annual conference 9-10 September 2021. Grenoble.

Ewald, J. (2022) “Political acceptability among fuel price protesters”, presented at the Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference: Emergency and transformation, Gothenburg.

Ewald, J. (2022) “Understanding the resistance to carbon taxes: Drivers and barriers among the general public and fuel-tax protesters”, presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the EAERE, Rimini.

Ewald, J. (2022) “Understanding the resistance to carbon taxes”, presented at the 12th FAERE Thematic Workshop on Economics and Management of Climate Change: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation, Paris.

Ewald, J. (2023) “Beliefs regarding carbon tax regressivity” University of Gothenburg Environmental Economics Seminar.

Ewald, J. and Sterner, T. (2021) “Acceptability of Carbon taxation”, presented at a CeCAR seminar, Gothenburg.

Feindt, S. 2022. Climate change damages on labor and capital, inequality, and the social cost of carbon. 9th FAERE annual conference, 8-9 September 2022, Rouen.

Feindt, S. 2022. Understanding regressivity: Challenges and opportunities of European carbon pricing. ECEMP Conference 2022, online.

Kornek, U. (2021). Inequality aversion for climate policy. Annual Conference of the Humanities of the Centre for Advanced Studies 2021 (online).

Kornek, U. 2020. When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless. Pre-EAERE workshop 2020 (online)

Kornek, U. 2020. When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless. IfW research seminar 2020 (online).

Kornek, U. 2020. When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless. Research Seminar Wien 2020.

Kornek, U. 2020. When redistribution makes personalized pricing of externalities useless. Carbon market event 2020 (online).

Labeaga, J. M., together with Labandeira, X. & Teixido, J. (2022). Major reforms in electricity pricing: Evidence from a quasi-experiment. The Economic Journal, 132, 1517-1541. IX Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resources and Environmental Economics.

Labeaga, J. M., together with Labandeira, X., Palencia, F. J. & Teixido, J. (2023). Carbon leakage from road transportation: Evidence from a natural experiment. X Conference of the Spanish-Portuguese Association of Resources and Environmental Economics

Labeaga, J.M., together with Hanemann, M., Labandeira, X., López- Otero, X. (2022). Choice vs. non-choice in the demand for energy for residential heating. IX Atlantic Workshop on Energy and Environmental Economics. Galicia.

Labeaga, J.M.: presentations at the Bank of Spain (Madrid), the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW, Berlin) and the University of Barcelona of the papers “Carbon leakage from road transportation: Evidence from a natural experiment”, “Major reforms in electricity pricing: Evidence from a quasi-experiment.” and “Climate change: Taxes and redistribution”

Otto, C. (2022) "Modelling the repercussions of extreme weather events in the global trade network and in global agricultural markets" invited talk at "Workshop Data-Driven Economic Agent-Based Models", September 27. - 28. 2022, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa Italy.

Otto, C. (2022) "The long-term impacts of extreme weather events on economic growth" invited talk at 20th Swiss Climate Summer School 2022: Extreme weather and climate: from atmospheric processes to impacts on ecosystems and society, August, 28 — September, 2 2022, Grindelwald, Switzerland.

Otto, C. (2022) "The distributional effects of recurrent floods on households in the Philippines", GIZ Workshop on Policy Advice for Climate-Resilient Economic Development (CRED), October, 13, PIK, Potsdam, Germany.

Otto, C. (2021) "From biophysical to economic climate risks", Workshop on Climate Risk, Climate modelling and application to quantitative risk measurement in the financial industry, November, 19, PIK, Potsdam, Germany.

Otto, C., H. Krichene, T. Geiger, K. Frieler, S. Willner, I. Sauer (2020): “The long-term impacts of tropical cyclones and fluvial floods on economic growth - Empirical evidence on transmission channels for countries on four different levels of development”, presented at the 25th EAERE annual conference.

Piontek, F. (2020): "The social costs of carbon caused by tropical cyclones", presented at the 13th international IAM consortium meeting in December 2020.

Piontek, F. (2021): "Decomposing costs and benefits of integrated scenarios of climate change mitigation and impacts", presented at the Annual Meeting of the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium, organized by the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium.

Piontek, F. (2022): "Integrated scenarios with impacts, mitigation and adaptation", Key note presented at the Scenarios Forum 2022, Laxenburg.

Piontek, F. (2022): “Future inequality under different emission pathways: effects of climate change mitigation and impacts”, presented at the IAMC Annual Meeting 2022.

Sterner T. (2021): participation in a panel discussion in the webinar: Population and Environmental Change, organized by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Sterner T., J. Ewald, Sterner, E. (2020): "Understanding the political economy of carbon taxes", presented at the FSR Climate Annual Conference.

Sterner, T. (2021) “Are carbon taxes fair?”, presented at SITE, at the Stockholm School of Economics.

Sterner, T. (2021) “Attitudes toward Carbon Taxes”, presented at the Environment for Development Initiative’s annual conference.

Sterner, T. (2021) “Understanding the Resistance to Carbon Taxes: A Case Study of Sweden” at Webinars in Environmental and Energy Economics and Policy (SWEEP), jointly organized by the European Institute on Economics and the Environment, Grenoble Ecole de Management, ZEW Mannheim and ETH Zurich.

Sterner, T. (2021) Panelist at the conference on The politics of climate change, organized by the Centre for European Reform at Ditchley Park, Oxfordshire.

Sterner, T. (2021) Panelist in session “Green recovery and how to deal with revenues” in the “Virtual Workshop on Carbon Pricing: Carbon Taxation, Green Recovery and CBAM”. Hosted by the Swedish Ministry of Finance in cooperation with the Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action.

Sterner, T. (2021): “Growth and Decarbonisation about emissions in different sectors and the possibility of sustainable growth in developing countries”, presented at the Conférence ECO2, organized by Électricité de France (EDF).

Sterner, T. (2022) “Acceptability of Carbon taxation”, on a lunch seminar organized by The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute.

Sterner, T. (2022) “Designing climate policies to be fair and effective” Keynote lecture at the 12th FAERE Thematic Workshop on Economics and Management of Climate Change: Linking Adaptation and Mitigation, Paris.

Sterner, T. (2022) “Understanding the resistance to carbon taxes” at a seminar organized by Italian Association of Environmental and Resoruce Economics.

Sterner, T. (2022) “Understanding the resistance to carbon taxes”. 6th CECFEE research & Policy Workshop in Dharamshala.

Sterner, T. (2022). Participation in a roundtable discussion about “How Can Environmental Economics Research Inform the Policy Debate Around the Just Transition?”, at EAERE pre-conference workshop “The Economics of a Just and Equitable Climate Transition”.

Taconet, N. (2022): "Managing within-region inequalities on the way to low carbon economies", presented at the Scenarios Forum 2022, Laxenburg.

Taconet. N. (2021): "Managing within-region inequalities on the way to low carbon economies", presented at the IAMC annual meeting 2021.

Vogt, T., Treu, S., Mengel, M., Frieler, K., Otto, C. (2022): A fully-open approach to modeling TC storm surge on a global scale. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022. EGU22-12368.

Young-Brun, M. (2022): " Climate change damages on labor and capital, inequality, and the social cost of carbon", presented at the Augustin Cournot Doctoral Days 2022, Strasbourg

Young-Brun, M. (2022): " Climate change damages on labor and capital, inequality, and the social cost of carbon", presented at the Scenarios Forum 2022 (online)

Young-Brun, M. (2022): "Climate change damages on labor and capital, inequality, and the social cost of carbon", presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the EAERE, Rimini.

Young-Brun, M. (2022): "Climate change damages on labor and capital, inequality, and the social cost of carbon", presented at the 21st Journées Louis-André Gérard-Varet, Marseille.

Zuber, S. (2022): “Multidimensional welfare and climate policy”, presented at PSE Annual Conference on Global Issues, Paris, May 2022